More news to update you on! I got a call last week from the New England Romance Writers of America chapter, telling me that Darkest Caress is a finalist in their Bean Pot contest. I'm thrilled! If you remember, Deadly Descent finaled in the romantic suspense contest last year. Fingers crossed for this year.
Also, my Civil War book (The Vacant Chair) is through edits and copy edits, and has been formattted. I'm getting ready to upload everything in the beginning of May, and my promo tour for it will start at the end of May. Exciting! I put so much work into the research behind this one, more than in any of my other books, so I hope that shines through.
And lastly, I'm just finishing up the first of a new romantic suspense series (I'm tentatively calling this one Blown Away), and should be done by early next week. I'm really struggling with my decision about what to do with it, because my dream was always to find an agent and get a print deal with a NY publisher. That dream has now faded, and at this point seems impractical. Because I find it easier to write shorter length stories than longer these days, going indie will allow me to write the word length I want, plus control the cover and price, and when the books come out. Theoretically I should be able to put more stories out in a shorter period of time. On the flip side, I'll be all on my own for promo, which is kind of scary. (Eep!)
Ah, decisions, decisions.
Hope you're all doing well! I received a DVD with all six Inside Combat Rescue episodes on it, so I'm super excited to finally watch the series. Pararescuemen are amazing!
Fighting for Berlin Goodreads Giveaway
We're giving away 100 kindle copies of upcoming release Fighting for Berlin
on Goodreads! It's open through January 28, 2025.
1 month ago
Congrats on Darkest Caress! Well deserved. Best of luck with The Vacant Chair and if there is anything specific (outside of buying, reading, reviewing, etc) I can do to help with the promo just let me know! Enjoy your PJs on DVD!
Thanks, lady! I very much appreciate that :)
Looking forward to hanging out with my PJs. LOL.
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